Sunday, January 15, 2012

I've Been Everywhere

Hello again from Blogsville. Since we last spoke, I was leaving for Nashville for the weekend. I've since driven through a rough bit of snow, visited my parents and cousin-bro Bill and his fiance Veronica in Pigeon Forge, and driven back to Birmingham for meeting at work on Monday. On Tuesday I'll drive back to Nashville, fly to Atlanta, and back to Phoenix in time to crash for a few hours before work begins anew the next morning. Yippee. All of this time in the car was in an effort to save the employer a little money on my flight into town, but I got a nice bonus visit in with the family. So there.

Up next on the travel log will be a long weekend drive to Santa Fe at the end of the month for some business and pleasure, as Emily and the small child will be along.

And to abruptly end this blog because I have nothing else to add this fine evening, I give you a picture of my beautiful wife on a boat, and a gecko hiding in a rafter. Good day to you.

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