Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pictures Taken From A Parked Car

I drove over to the west side of Oahu today, to an area called Ewa (pronounced "evah") Beach. A lot less populated, almost out in the sticks, very nice. I've posted three pictures that I took from the car in the credit union parking lot. The trees lining this street were massive, at least 60 feet tall, they looked like Ficus Benjamina, the type you can buy in the store as a houseplant.

I visited four customers today, but have a light day tomorrow, two customers and both fairly short appointments. No rain today, hardly any clouds for that matter. Still very sticky and WARM. But not 107.

One of my customers today sent me back to the hotel with 6 boxes of chocolate covered macademia nuts, two cans of the same, and one large pouch of the same (all dipped in sea salt). I'm told I also have a case of pineapples to take with me, and have NO idea how I'm going to pick those up Friday when I'm going from Kauai to Honolulu and home direct. Hmm, pineapple.


Unknown said...

You have to clear an agriculture station at airport so maybe call first. Good Luck

Tom, Emily, Brenna said...

I managed to make it home sans the pineapples, thanks for your concern though!