Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Brenna Mega Post!

Lots of Brenna pictures to follow. Our little girl just turned seven months old yesterday, and is learning new things every day. She's saying mama and dada on a fairly regular basis, among other things that could be interpreted to be various words. She's playing on the floor unaided, although still not interested in crawling. She's also sleeping in her big girl crib in her room!

Below, Brenna appears to be trying on Grandpa's hat, I must have been asleep somewhere, I don't recall being around when this hilarity ensued.

I DO remember this one, Brenna and me this past weekend visiting on the couch.

Here's a shot of Emily and Brenna looking out the window at me in the back yard. Many bird has met it's demise smashing into this window, my apologies if you decide to view this picture up close.

Here they are on the other side of the door.

Brenna threatens to whoop mama if she takes her panda bear away from her.

Up close Brenna...

And finally, enjoying time on the floor.

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