Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Day At "The 'Care"

Just when I start to run out of Brenna pictures to post, Emily comes home with a few hundred new ones (including a sweet picture of toilet planters in some one's front yard, check that thing of beauty out on the Hoes blog). I hope by referencing toilets enough here that our ad banner at the top of this blog will start posting ads for them. You're already seeing links for goat's milk, thanks to Brenna's trip to the zoo last week.

Ok, enough of my rambling, to the business at hand.
Here is Brenna showing off her front teeth, a beaverish pose, if you will.
And here we are beating on a table with something striped and cylindrical (I promise you I would never have spelled this correctly without spell checker). She seems happy with whatever she's doing here.

Brenna with the rest of the motley 'care crue (insert the dots over the u, if you will), including some kid who thinks he's a bull (maybe Benny, I just don't know).
"And if you vote for me I promise four more years of fresh diapers and meat sticks for everyone"

And finally, how we get wet out of doors around here during the summer, in the absence of any reasonable rainfall. I'm already bracing for Grandma's comments regarding this picture.


Anonymous said...

Tom, Tom, Tom,
I know you are amused by showing the world that your mother-in-law is insane and probably a danger to those around her, but you need to think of your child. She might be embarrassed some day by everyone knowing she spent time with a crazy woman.
Besides, there is a perfectly rational reason that I am watering down every child in my vicinity. I have told them that there are two kinds of rain - God's rain and babysitter rain. So far they believe me.

Mrs. Krug said...

Haha! Tom and Emily, I was just trolling your blog (which I am totally jealous of) and I happened upon this entry! All I can say is my daughter also spent time with this so called "deranged grandma" and I am sure that she is all the better for it! I think that baby sitter rain must be good stuff! Haha!